Economic Impact Studies

CERPA Experience and Examples

CERPA personnel have over 15 years experience conducting economic impact studies for various local, regional, and state-level institutions. The majority of these studies are client confidential, but below are two examples conducted for Appalachian State University.

Measuring the Economic Impact of Appalachian State University


The annual economic impact of Appalachian for fiscal year 2010-11 includes the creation of approximately 6,100 jobs, $140 million in earnings, and a total dollar impact on the regional economy of $560 million.


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The Economic Impact of Appalachian's Athletics Department

The annual economic impact of Appalachian Athletics includes the creation of approximately 640 jobs, $19.3 million in earnings, and a total dollar impact on the regional economy of $54 million.  The increased economic activity arising from the presence and operation of Appalachian State University led to $3.6million in additional indirect business taxes to local governments.

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